Thursday, June 17, 2010

Project 7

For "Some Velvet Morning" remix project, i wanted to take a very simple approach. Instead of reworking and editing the entire song, i picked certain parts from the song that seemed like the more important and memorable moments in the song to use. So i basically shortened the song, and put some new pieces together, and then added my own thing to it. My intro consists of first a FLS_Radio sound that simulates a static-y radio sound. This was followed by a increasing VOC_Launching sound. I combined these two sounds because i felt that together they created a suspense building part, that made you want to listen for what comes next. I started to add pieces from the orginal song, and i incorporated aquiet jungle sound throughout the song. I used several automation clips, and an ominous synth that i created, but again i used it quietly in the background of the song, as my purpose was to enhance the orginal song, and not rewrite everything. My ending was just an overall fade-out, with a few cymbals and repeated drum beats fading out at the end.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Project 6

For this project i started out with an "Fx_Ex"sound. The entire song was mostly based off, and inspired by a very mystic and magical sounding parts, encoorporated with my synths. I started with my saw wave synth, which i made by first editing the envelope to start with an increasing arch, which then dipped back down.I added more depth by Basically the entire song is run by the saw wave sound, used with a "PAD fantasy" sound to add a longer string sound to the short, choppier saw wave notes. I used the riff machine on one of my synths, and used this part in the beggining and end of my song. For my second synth, which was my sytrus, i created a short, kinda of video-gamesounding synth.I put it in quietly towards the middle of the song to add some contrast to the long, string sounding saw wave synth. I used a variant of my "PAD Fantasy" sound to add some contrast towards the end of the song.
The very end of my song used another "PAD" sound that mixed well with my saw wave synth, which i just faded out ot create the ending.